Tuesday, October 23, 2007

DJ Wokstar

DJ Wokstar

By Carmeli Hockson
Staff Writer
June 26 2007

Waahkah Ihiyahrisch is the son's of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie and a father of three sons himself. He is the man behind the longest running dancehall every Sunday night at the Blue Lamp in Downtown Sacramento.

His DJ name came from a fan of his in Hawaii who would call out, “Wokstar” everytime he saw him perform, hence DJ Wokstar.

Originally, Wokstar sold 90-minute reggae mixtapes for $5, starting his name to local fame. His appreciation and love for those who supported him is everlasting and humble, defining the success that brought reggae music to Sacramento every Sunday for four years at the Blue Lamp. The journey as an artist is one that he does not take for granted.

“Everyday is a blessing in which change is an everlasting journey," says Wokstar.
Dj Wokstar's presence is one that creates the essence of harmony and simplicity that parallels the hypnotic and soothing effect that reggae has. He defines his music and life through the sounds that make listeners remember the basic needs of civilization, ‘love, unity, and humanity.’
Check out Dj Wokstar on the ones and twos every Sunday night at the Blue Lamp and every Thursdays at Fulton's Underground in Old Sacramento.


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